

กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก สิงหาคม, 2023

Laravel + Angular js

  Laravel & Angular is simply a PHP package for Laravel. It is not opinionated regarding your Angular app. However we recommend using the official @angular/cli tool. Install Laravel Installation composer require jadjoubran/laravel-angular config/app insert to Jadjoubran\LaravelAngular\Provider\LaravelServiceProvider::class, command install php artisan laravelangular:install JWT Auth Installation Angular Installation Lumen Installation $app->register(App\Providers\AppServiceProvider::class);

How to Livewire Laravel in 2023?

 Hot to Livewire Laravel in 2023 1️⃣ Artisan Commands 2️⃣ Making Components 3️⃣ Rendering Components 4️⃣ Actions  5️⃣ Events  6️⃣ Validation 7️⃣ Query String 8️⃣ Pagination 9️⃣ States 🔟 Flash Messages #LaravelDeveloperThailand #php #laravel #framework #MVC #OOP

How to Database Relationships in Laravel10

 Type of Relationship in Database Laravel  One-to-One - One Record in the table is associated with One. For example a customer and card ID number One to Many - One record in the table is associated with multiple records.  Many to Many - Multiple records in the table are associated with multiple records. 1. One-to-One Using in-Class Model: hasOne()  Example                     $this->hasOne(Product:::class); 2. One to Many using in Class Model:  hasMany() Method Example                     $this->hasMany(Product::class); 3. Many to Many Using in-Class Model:  hasOne()  latestOfMany(), oldestOfMany() and ofMany() Example                     $this->hasOne(Product::class)->latestOfMany();                                        $this->hasOne(Product::class->oldestOfMany();

How to create SEO to 1click to billion ?

 The A rticle on SEO  Meta title Meta description is  between 140 and 160 characters approximately (maximum 920 pixels) Meta robots  indexed to appear in the SERPS results Meta viewport Meta keyword Meta hreflang Meta canonical Meta open graph Alt text

How to Scale to 1 Billion Request in your webapplication ?

  How many requests does Wikipedia handle? 225 million / 86400 = 2,604 page views per second 225 million x 30 = 6.75 billion page views per month How many requests does Facebook handle? 100 billion / 86400 = 1.15 million requests per second 100 billion x 30 = 3 trillion requests per month How many requests does Youtube handle? Queries per day  = 1Million units Queries per 100 sec per user = 300,000 units/100sec/user Queries per 100 seconds = 3,000,000 How many requests does Google handle? 99,000 searches every single second  (Internet Live Stats, 2022).  This makes more than 8.5 billion searches a day (Internet Live Stats, 2022) averages 63,000 search queries per second (2021) How many requests does LinkId handle? How many requests does MySQL handle? 50,000 simple queries per second  commodity server hardware 2,000 queries per second  single correspondent on a Gigabit network Case Study: Drogon-core  1,752,184,836,000 requests per month.  Facebook  3,000,000,000,000 requests per month

Simplify Data Validation in Your Applications with Practical

 What is Laravel Validation? The validation process occurs before your application’s logic, allowing you to ensure that the data meets the expected criteria Basic Validation the user’s name, email, and password fields

Top 5 Features of VueJS

 Top 5 Features of VueJS 1. Virtual DOM 2. Data Binding 3. Component 4. Animation/Transition 5. Template -------------------------- #LaravelDeveloperThailand #php #Laravel #MVC #OOP https://www.facebook.com/100090527119139/posts/222010084159894/?mibextid=cr9u03

สร้าง Open AI ใน Laravel อย่างไร #อ่านบทควทม

 1. สร้างตัวอย่าง chatbot จาก Telegram และ botman 2. สมัครใช้งาน bot  3. ระบบหลังบ้าน 4. ทดสอบและใช้งาน ติดตั้ง composer require openai-php/laravel แก้ไขและเพิ่ท vendor php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OpenAI\Laravel\ServiceProvider" ใส่ open ai keyในไฟล์  config/openai.php OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-... เรียกใช้งาน   use OpenAI\Laravel\Facades\OpenAI; $result = OpenAI::completions()->create([     'model' => 'text-davinci-003',     'prompt' => 'PHP is', ]); echo $result['choices'][0]['text']; // an open-source, widely-used, server-side scripting language. ส่วนของ Client ติดตั้ง composer require openai-php/client composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle เรียกใช่ $yourApiKey = getenv('YOUR_API_KEY'); $client = OpenAI::client($yourApiKey); $result = $client->completions()->create([     'model' => 'text-davinci-003',     'prompt' => 'PHP is', ]); echo $result['choices'][0][