1. สร้างตัวอย่าง chatbot จาก Telegram และ botman
2. สมัครใช้งาน bot
3. ระบบหลังบ้าน
4. ทดสอบและใช้งาน
- ติดตั้ง composer require openai-php/laravel
- แก้ไขและเพิ่ท vendor php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OpenAI\Laravel\ServiceProvider"
- ใส่ open ai keyในไฟล์ config/openai.php OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-...
- เรียกใช้งาน
$result = OpenAI::completions()->create([
ส่วนของ Client
composer require openai-php/client
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
$yourApiKey = getenv('YOUR_API_KEY');
$client = OpenAI::client($yourApiKey);
$result = $client->completions()->create([
'model' => 'text-davinci-003',
'prompt' => 'PHP is',
echo $result['choices'][0]['text']; // an open-source, widely-used, server-side scripting language.
ส่วนเรียกใช้ client
$yourApiKey = getenv('YOUR_API_KEY');
$client = OpenAI::factory()
->withOrganization('your-organization') // default: null
->withBaseUri('openai.example.com/v1') // default: api.openai.com/v1
->withHttpClient($client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([])) // default: HTTP client found using PSR-18 HTTP Client Discovery
->withHttpHeader('X-My-Header', 'foo')
->withQueryParam('my-param', 'bar')
->withStreamHandler(fn (RequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface => $client->send($request, [
'stream' => true // Allows to provide a custom stream handler for the http client.
เรียกใช้ แสดงรายการ Model
$response = $client->models()->list();
$response->object; // 'list'
foreach ($response->data as $result) {
$result->id; // 'text-davinci-003'
$result->object; // 'model'
// ...
$response->toArray(); // ['object' => 'list', 'data' => [...]]
ค้นคืน retrieve
$response = $client->models()->retrieve('text-davinci-003');
$response->id; // 'text-davinci-003'
$response->object; // 'model'
$response->created; // 1642018370
$response->ownedBy; // 'openai'
$response->root; // 'text-davinci-003'
$response->parent; // null
foreach ($response->permission as $result) {
$result->id; // 'modelperm-7E53j9OtnMZggjqlwMxW4QG7'
$result->object; // 'model_permission'
$result->created; // 1664307523
$result->allowCreateEngine; // false
$result->allowSampling; // true
$result->allowLogprobs; // true
$result->allowSearchIndices; // false
$result->allowView; // true
$result->allowFineTuning; // false
$result->organization; // '*'
$result->group; // null
$result->isBlocking; // false
$response->toArray(); // ['id' => 'text-davinci-003', ...]
ลบ model
$response = $client->models()->delete('curie:ft-acmeco-2021-03-03-21-44-20');
$response->id; // 'curie:ft-acmeco-2021-03-03-21-44-20'
$response->object; // 'model'
$response->deleted; // true
$response->toArray(); // ['id' => 'curie:ft-acmeco-2021-03-03-21-44-20', ...]